I have more camera's, "vintage cine camera's", "camera equipment" and some lenses for sale and will be adding them as soon as possible. They include a "Emel cine camera", "Bell and Howell" cine camera and a Canon Dial35.
I have some old "bellows type camera's" some in great condition including a very nice "Ensign selfix 1620". There's 10 "vintage box camera's", including Kodak, Coronet and a rare Kodak Box camera in Blue. I have some "camera equipment" including a "double shutter release cable" by Leitz Wetzlar, a Dallmeyer Telephoto Lens.
I just love these old camera's but they have to be sold so that I can purchase more. I did set out to buy old camera's just to sell on and make a profit but I am slowly converting to collecting camera's. I enjoy buying a box of camera's from an auction or where ever and sorting through them.
Trouble is, where do I put them as I just don't have the room so I just keep the odd one. Its been very enjoyable owning these camera's and finding out all about them. Its amazing what you can learn in such a short space of time and even more amazing are the camera's "out there". I never knew there were so many and much better than most of the ones being made today.
Ok, they are not "digital" and if you are not a photographer then there's not a lot else you can do but to display them. Some of these look great and displayed correctly can be as good as a piece of artwork or sculpture.
I had better get on with photographing them and putting them online........
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